I wasn't sure about the tour we booked - my housemate Pepe and I. I read about ones that offered unlimited tequila, dinner a traditional show and this one said three Tequilera's with some samples and a visit to the town of tequila. I wasn't thinking we would get much with just samples.... boy was I pleasantly surprised.
Even though I wasn't expecting much I was still pretty excited to be going on a little adventure.
We were told how the agave plants are planted, how many times they are planted, how they are cooked, how long the have to ferment and much more. I don't know if any of you know this but tequila is made of agave and not much else. However they do add other things to it to make flavoured tequila, cream, almonds, coffee... oh dios mio there were so many flavours. I bought the tequila with cream... its so tasty and you don't even know you are drinking tequila so it helped with all the shots we drank before 12 noon.
However, before we took our first shot we were taught how to do shots properly in order to take away the burn and in my whole experience that day, less drunk hahaha.
The whole tour was in Spanish so two Americans translated for me ... Pepe doesn't speak English.... which is how I met a few of the people in our group... and what a fantastic group we had. It was already starting to be a fantastic day.
When we left I wanted to get a tequila drink from the little portable bar at the entrance/exit... of course just for the fact of getting one. I also got plain chips that the put soya, a Mexican version of worcestershir sauce and lime juice... OMG so good... so many little recipes to bring home including tequila lol. I even bought the agave honey they make there which is fantastic!
The bus was getting ready to leave and I had barely taken any sips of my yummy tequila drink. "No no it's okay." I COULD TAKE MY DRINK ON THE BUS WITH THE CLAY CUP IT CAME IN!!! THIS DAY JUST GOT EVEN BETTER!!!
It was quite cold on the bus, it was the first time since I had been here that I experienced a.c. - except of course my experience in the x-ray room and maybe a store or two. I didn't want to complain because its so hot at my place so I just went with it.
The next tequilera was beautiful but we actually only saw the bar area because all we did was sample 9 different shots of tequila. I was already about 7 plus my drink that I bought. I started getting the giggles. Every time they brought out a shot I would laugh and shake my head and hand them my shot glass. I couldn't tell you what the tequilas were but they were good and we sampled more than 9.
I took a walk around the place. There were old cars and an old wagon in the courtyard that were under a huge umbrella of a tree.
There was a traditional painting on the wall and at the back was a landscape of agave plants. There was also the bar which had a bunch of workers a it when we came in.
This was the place where everyone started bonding... tequila changes things... it makes you happy.
We met Claudia and Roberto. A sweet young couple from Mexicali, though Roberto now lives in GDL (Guadalajara).
We got back on the bus and headed towards Tequila... no I don't mean as in more alcohol I mean the town tequila... where tequila is from. Things started getting crazy.
There was singing on the bus... happy singing.... drunk singing. "Estoy esta un feliz tour." I said to the driver - this is a happy tour. "Si." "People sing all the time?" "Si" he responded and ended with "todo las dias (everyday)" I started laughing... at least he has a tour where people are laughing and singing and best friends by the end of the tour.
The drive was awesome.... there was agave everywhere.... fields of it. There was even agave down the median of the road.
1. Mexico is the only place in the world that tequila is produced.
2. The agave plant is what tequila is made from.
3. Any tequila not made with agave is called mescal.
4. When the tequila is sitting and fermenting for 7 days they can not touch it. If they touch it they are fined.
5. The darker the tequila the more aged it is.
6. Tequila gets you quite drunk.
7. To much tequila can convince you to spend the night sleeping beside the porcelain goddess; or, quickly get off the tour bus and puke in a garbage on the sidewalk (not me).
8, If drank correctly you will not feel the burn.
9. I am bringing two bottles home with me.
Tequila is a great town and I would actually love to go back and spend some more time there.... it is like Tlaquepaque but bigger and more.... I don't know there is just something different and I really liked it. So many vendors and markets. I wanted to stay longer but after eating lunch - the first thing I'd eaten all day. Buying another clay cup tequila mix with Roberto and of course having to buy something at a jewelry vendor it was time to leave. It was actually a good thing... I had classes to teach that night.
We got to the bus - my foot angry and swollen now - and our driver has a bottle of tequila and is making drinks for everyone. I just laughed and filled my cup.
Not even two minutes later we stopped and a few people got out. "Que?" I asked the driver. "Mas tequila." Okay I thought more for the drive home. "Emmie. Get out of the bus come on."
OMG we were at a third tequilera!!! Are you kidding me!!! I don't even know how many shots we did at this one but the tequila was fantastic. We had mango tequila with chili seasoning, we had jamaica (pronounced 'ha-mike-a) tequila. Tequila that was followed by oranges sprinkled with cinnamon. I tasted some of the best tequilas ever and wanted to buy so many of them. I would say in total maybe 30 shots of tequila over the course of 7 hours, including our cocktails and beer at lunch so it was a pretty filling day lol.
I just went with the fact that I was going to be late for work anyways so I just kept filling my clay cup with tequila and mix and enjoyed the view of agave and my singing and dancing tour buddies.
It was an awesome day and really surpassed my expectations and would highly recommend it to anyone coming to Mexico...don't be afraid of the tequila. Honestly... I wasn't really drunk, I was happy and feeling good but I was also exhausted. I didn't feel sick once or vomit - that was someone else - and I think it is all in the way they showed us how to drink the tequila.
Do you all want to know the way to drink tequila so you don't get the burn when it goes down and maybe not as drunk?
Here it is:
Pepe and I have another tour planned for next weekend so I am super stoked about that. I hope my foot is better by then because it is a lot of walking and my foot was angry and swollen on Sunday. I have been off of it as much as possible this week. Fingers crossed its not totally fucked!!!
Well, I need to finish packing... I am off on another adventure. Puerto Vallarta!!! I leave in the morning after I finish teaching my classes.
I am so excited for the sun, the beach, cervezas y mas tequila!!!
Follow me on SnapChat or Instagram so you can watch my stories... the tequila tour one was a lot of fun so if you want to join me in some action instead of just reading about it click on my follow buttons. You may want to see the shenanigans in Puerto Vallarta! I can't wait!!!
- My Beautiful Life -
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