Saturday, May 26, 2018

The Power of Three

Well what a crazy 2 weeks I have had in Mexico.  I have never had an adventure start off the way this one has.
If getting robbed wasn't enough, I cut ties with Cesar.  To make a long story short (and this is only my side), he made a decision for me that I was against and he told me to have a safe flight home.  This was the day after I was robbed so I was not having a great few days.  But, I promised myself no guy will be the cause of my sorrow or me changing my plans and that includes business associates and I thanked him for everything and said I will no longer be in contact. His response was a thumbs up.

I really wanted to get out and see my new city.  My housemates have been here for months and love it here and feel safe.  I was a little scared to go out on my own but didn't want my fear to take over... I didn't want to end up being agoraphobic lol so I asked my one roommate Camille (girl I also have a roommate with the same name who is a guy) if I could go out with her and her friend that day so I could see where everything was.

We are so close to everything...literally less than a five minute walk from the city center.  There are markets, shops, ice cream, food vendors... there is so much right at my finger tips...and it has a lot of green. Not like Arequipa...they actually had to make a park to add some green but here there is green.  I felt really happy and wasn't scary at all - however I did clutch my purse when a motorcycle drove by lol.  I felt better getting out and seeing the city with someone who knows the area.

I had people tell me I was stupid and liked to play the victim role, that I should come home, that I shouldn't have come here, that they told me it was dangerous and I still came.  Ya...getting robbed was a shitty experience but it could've been worse and I have been pretty positive the whole's just made me more cautious but there is also a positive aspect to it....Cesar.

Yes it's unfortunate that ties were cut between us, however, I think it's better to know that we don't mix well before I got deeper into helping him with his school...spending a lot of time focusing on it and then finding out later on it wasn't worth it.  I'm glad it happened early on so I can just change direction and move that way...which has been a really great thing.

Though, before it being so great it had to get a little worse ... it is said bad things come in threes and this one was a double whammy.

That day, after our lovely walk through Gudalajara our plan was to sit in the sun and enjoy some cerveza's.  We went and sat on the roof and drank quite a bit of beer and taking in quite a bit of sun - my back ended up burning and then peeling, it was so gross.

It was a wonderful day and I totally needed it.  A day just to relax and take in some sun.  I was feeling great...that is until I fell.  Going up to my room, the two bottom steps, my one foot rolled I fell back on the other one and and "CRUNCH"...I went down with a scream.  Both ankles done!!!

Well they say things come in three's and my third happening of bad luck was a double whammy!!!  I couldn't walk for a couple of days...I had to crab crawl around the house, I could barely stand up to get myself on the toilet,  I couldn't cook or even go out to get food or order any because I didn't have a phone and to top it off I couldn't take a shower.  Baby wipes are a necessity when traveling and have become something I always have.

I started hobbling around after a few days with a cane-like apparatus the little cleaning lady gave me.  It helped getting around the house but I still couldn't really walk anywhere.

My landlord Alex took me to the Red Cross...this was a bit of an experience.  First, everyone wears, socks, pants, shirts, jackets.... it was literally white on white on white.  The young guy who spoke to us - well spoke to Alex - had pants on so tight that we were afraid if he moved the wrong way something would pop out and say "welcome!!!"  I have noticed that they wear tight pants here.

After about 10 minutes we were directed to x-ray room.  A medium sized room that was literally cement walls and the x-ray machine.  It was also quite cold in the room as well.  The guy in there gets me to sit on a table and he starts placing my feet where he needs them.  He didn't even ask me to take off my tensor bandage...weird but okay.  He goes into the smaller room where he pushes the button to take the x-ray.  I was sitting there thinking he hasn't but the led vest on me when I saw him grab it.  Just when I thought he was going to bring it over to me he put it on himself.  Seriously!!! I giggled to myself.  I guess he needs it more than I do.

After my x-rays we went and waited for the doctor who looked like he was still in university.  Actually, everyone there looked like they were still in university or high school.  He said it wasn't broken, just a sprain and I should feel better by the next week. "Doesn't he want me to take off my tensor bandage and have a look at it?"  I asked Alex.  "No, he said he doesn't need to, he looked at the x-rays."  The doctor didn't even examine my ankle, didn't look at it move it around check the swelling nothing! WTF! I didn't get actually would've made me feel better if he at least looked at my foot but no that was it I was finished.

Well within a week I was better just like the doctor said.  I guess he didn't need to see it after all.

Within this time I had to go get a phone.  The company I was ordering it from online wasn't sending it out so I needed to physically go and buy one so I went with Benjamin.  A local who is friends with one of my housemates.  It took a couple of hour but I got one... a sweet phone that I really like and it was a really good price.  However I couldn't get my sim card to work.  So again Alex (my landlord) came to my rescue and called the company for me.  Apparently my card was expired by 120 days.  Ahhhh dios mio.  "Why does everything happen to you?"  he asked. Hahaha who knows.  I was still able to connect to the WiFi so I could finally get back to teaching with one of my schools I can only access it through an app and one of the other teachers had contacted some of my students and canceled my classes for me.  I have my other app that keeps me in contact with my students and hadn't been able to contact them so being back online with a phone felt great and a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.  Plus I could Snap and Insta again hahahaha.

Everything is going great.  I love it here.  Even with everything that has happened I am so happy I came here.  Guadalajara is an awesome city.  Each time I go out and walk around it is different and I fall in love with it more and more.  I live in a fantastic location and I love my house.

Everything happens for a reason and it might've seemed like there was no reason in the beginning but there is.  If I hadn't have been robbed...I would still be working with Cesar spending all my time helping him most likely only to find out weeks down the road that it was a waste of time.  I am happy I found out right away that it wasn't going to work.  Getting my new phone was also a bonus and from that I made a new friend.  Also falling down the stairs..which made me feel awful and helpless...was also a bonus.  I got a lot of work done... I started up my own business which I wouldn't have gotten done had I of not been couch ridden.  It made me be quite productive and I got done what I came out here to do except I did it on my own and I am so happy and really excited for this new addition to my teaching career.

So yes when it rains it pours and all my shitty things happened in threes but after that I had three good things come out of it.  Sometimes we need shitty experiences to happen to get us where we need to be and we may not know why at the time but I was raised to believe that things happen for a reason and that the universe or god or whoever/whatever you believe in will never give you more than you can handle and this is how I choose to live my life.  Yes I had my down days but I was pretty much positive the whole time.

I couldn't be happier here in Mexico.  I am so in love with this country and my Spanish is getting so much better.  I've been taking classes and learning so much!!!  Mexico was exactly what I needed, bad luck and all :)

Well my readers.  It is that time when I say this is the end of this entry.  I must get ready.  My housemate Pepe (who doesn't speak English, he is from Chihuahua) and I are off to do the Tequila Tour in an hour!  I am so excited to actually do something touristy.  I have my cane - an awesome fold up one from Walmart - to help me get around.  My foot aches and swells when I'm on it too much so the cane helps take off some pressure.  The old people love me,  they smile at me and make comments when they see I have a cane like them.  The other day I ended up in a crowd of abuela's and I thought oh my homegirls, I have a cane too. LOL.

Well, time to get ready.  I won't be tasting a lot of tequila, I have classes tonight and tomorrow morning and drank quite a bit last night.

One more thing.  It is hot as fuck here!!! Like I lie on my bed not moving and my body still produces heat. I feel like there is a heater in my bed.  This is even with my fan blowing on me and just wearing a pair of underwear...sweat, sweat and more sweat.  It starts off hot in the morning and gets hotter throughout the day. It's at it's peak around 4 or 5pm here.  It's about 35 or 36 here every day.  So hot!!

Check out my SnapChat and Instagram for updates and my story feed ... I can be quite entertaining and there will be stuff posted on my Tequila Tour... you may one to see the fun first hand.

Alright for serious,  I must say goodbye.  Bye!!!

                                                          - My Beautiful Life -

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